Discernment Weekend Rounds Out 2010

(South Orange, NJ) – The last of four discernment weekends took place this past weekend at the offices of youth ministry and vocations for the Saelsians’ US East (SUE) province.  Due to the timing of the weekend, the number of attendees wasn’t as high as previous weekends, but what was lacking in number was made up by the sheer quality of attending candidates!

The weekend started out with Fr. José Ubaldino Andrade SDB, a missionary born in Venezuela and on-mission in Sierra Leone, giving a brief history of the Salesian congregation and how he uses the same methods of outreach of St. John Bosco.

The candidates were also treated by a dual presentation on “Discernment” and “Don Bosco’s Oratory Criteria” by Salesian Missions’ director, Fr. Mark Hyde SDB.

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During the weekend the candidates had a chance to meet and get to know several of the Salesian confreres as well as men in-formation to become Salesians.  It was a weekend meant to help them open their hearts and minds to what it is that God is calling them to do.  Is that calling to become a Salesian Lay Missioner?  May His will be done.

Do you feel that “tugging” on your heart calling you to do something “radical” in following God’s baptismal call?  Check out the Salesian Lay Missioners!

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