Serve the Lord Joyfully!

– St. John Bosco

By the Numbers

Youth Served
0 +
Countries Served
0 +
Lay Missioners
0 +

Serve Like Don Bosco

St. John Bosco drew young people to God with his presence.  But he couldn’t do it alone – he needed lay people like you!
Choosing to serve can feel risky.  But you’ll be glad you did.  Your experience will shape the way you work, pray, and see your purpose in life.

Deciding Your Next Steps in Life?

We discern with you how to best use your gifts.  You can teach, work in a parish, run retreats, help at-risk children, care for refugees and more.

Jump into each day like Don Bosco.  Pray with the Salesians, laugh with the children, and watch God provide for you in surprising ways.  Pour yourself out to the kids.  You’ll be amazed at what you can do!

Meet the SLMs

Meet the current lay missioners who have committed themselves to furthering Don Bosco’s and the church’s mission of serving those at-risk.

Photo of Benigno Monteverde Benigno Monteverde Dili, Timor Leste
Hometown Long Beach CA College Cal State Long Beach Mission Site St. John Bosco Port Chester NY

Why have you joined the Salesian Lay Missioner program and/or what do you hope to accomplish thru your SLM mission?
Discern God’s call for religious life or missionary life ; Help the poor get out of poverty via education

What do you expect to do on mission?
Teaching English

Photo of Alexander Pelletier Alexander Pelletier LeĂ³n, Mexico
Hometown 22080 75TH AVE NY New City NY 11364 United StatesCollege Binghamton University Mission Site Ciudad de Niños LeĂ³n Mexico

What do you hope to accomplish thru your SLM mission?
To help people in need and to educate each other and build each other up so that we stay on God’s path for us.

Photo of Suzanne Platt Suzanne Platt Dalat, Vietnam
Hometown Columbia PA College Temple University Mission Site Don Bosco Dalat Theologate Dalat Vietnam

Why have you joined the Salesian Lay Missioner program and/or what do you hope to accomplish thru your SLM mission?
My assignment is to help Seminarians and students alike enhance their knowledge and practice speaking English that is so important in today’s global community. I feel directed to continue to answer the Holy Spirit’s call to service and assistance to others wherever that may be in this world.

What do you expect to do on mission?
Engage in English conversations with Don Bosco school students and Seminarians in order to help build and enhance their English language skills.

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